
iOS and Android app for observing cosmic rays

We are developing an app for observing cosmic rays. These cosmic rays, which constantly bombard us from space and even penetrate our bodies, are invisible to the naked eye. Our app allows you to observe these cosmic rays using your smartphone's camera sensor. You can view real-time images of potential cosmic ray detections and see a graph of detection frequency, updated in real time.

Our app is used by people all over the world. When a potential cosmic ray is detected, it is displayed on the app screen. You can also view images detected by other users in real-time on our website.

Since constant observation is necessary, we recommend using old smartphones and tablets that are no longer needed. The data collected through the app is used to explore unsolved problems in astrophysics, and we regularly present our latest research findings at conferences both domestically and internationally.

The app is developed and made available through a joint research project with the HIBINO Laboratory in the Department of Applied Physics at Kanagawa University.

Transforming Obsolete Devices into Tools for Cosmic Discovery

With over 6 billion smartphones in use worldwide, and more than 8 billion internet-connected devices when you include tablets and laptops, our world is more connected than ever. However, with new versions released almost every year, many of these devices are replaced in just a few short years. But what happens to them once they become obsolete?
These devices, though small, are powerful computers packed with valuable components. One of the most important parts is the camera sensor, found in nearly every device. This tiny, silicon-based CMOS camera sensor is at the heart of our innovative project, the 'Soramame' cosmic ray observation app.
By repurposing these used smartphones and tablets, we can create a global network of detectors, helping to push the boundaries of astrophysics. Join us in this exciting project, and turn your old device into a tool for cutting-edge research!

soramame display explanation

Observation point

Location information is blurred. Leaflet Map



New method that utilizes the billions of CMOS sensors spread around the world

Cosmic rays are highly energetic particles of various types that originate from sources within and outside of the Milky Way galaxy, and that arrive at Earth's atmosphere. When they interact with the atmospheric nuclei, a shower of secondary particles is generated. The objective is to detect these secondary particles with the camera sensor of a smartphone. On average, the frequency of secondary particles from cosmic rays that reach Earth's surface is approximately one particle per minute per square centimeter, and they can penetrate through different materials, including human bodies, rocks, and concrete, due to their high energy. As cosmic rays traverse through the silicon camera sensor, they produce a minuscule trail, akin to a scratch, which is then detected in digital images.

Using the "Soramame" app to observe cosmic rays worldwide has the potential to enable the detection of rare air showers created by ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, which are among the most high-energy-density phenomena currently observed on earth. These cosmic rays are believed to be extremely high-energy particles originating from beyond the Milky Way, with energy levels that cannot be generated on Earth. However, the origin and acceleration mechanisms of these particles are still not fully understood.

By observing these particles, we may also be able to gain valuable insights into the physics of dark matter and dark energy, which are two of the most challenging and elusive areas of modern astrophysics. The study of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays may thus open up a window to a previously unexplored world of the universe beyond our current understanding.

CONTACT: Wakiko Takano r201970105fg_at_jindai.jp
(Replace _at_ to @ )